Your agent Emily Dooley
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Phone 9529272655
About Your Agent
Making your travel dreams come true! A road trip to Portland, Oregon with my parents and sisters when I was a kid showed me how amazing domestic travel can be. Seeing mountains and the ocean for the first time was incredible! High school trips to Spain and Mexico ignited my love of international travel. To this day Cordoba, Spain is still one of my favorite cities. A semester abroad in Edinburgh, Scotland while in college sealed the deal. Living there allowed me to explore that beautiful country and visit England, Ireland, France and Germany. In 2022 our family took a dream vacation to Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Being back in the country that was so important to me, this time with my husband and three boys, was extraordinary. I'm so grateful my parents gave me so many opportunities to travel; experiencing the world with the people you love is worth so much more than the sum of its parts. I know how important it is to get it right once you commit to a travel experience, I’d love to help you plan your next adventure!
Member Savings
AAA Members can save up to 15% when booking with Preferred Lodging Partners. Discount is reflected in AAA rates. These Properties can be identified by the savings tag.
AAA Diamond Program
AAA is the only entity that conducts on-site professional inspections across the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean using consistent guidelines based on traveler priorities. Hotels that meet AAA's rigorous inspection standards receive a Diamond designation that conveys the kind of experience offered.